Sábado 14 de Septiembre 2024

Governors presented projects to Claudia Sheinbaum

In this second meeting, they requested hospitals, customs facilities, and an airport; Sheinbaum prioritizes water and roads.

Créditos: This time, she met with governors from northeastern Mexico. Photo: @Claudiashein
Escrito en MÉXICO el

In her second meeting with state executives, the virtual president, Claudia Sheinbaum, received numerous requests from the governors of northeastern Mexico concerning water infrastructure, hospitals, roads, mobility, security, customs, and even an airport.

The winner of the June 2 election agreed with the governors to prioritize infrastructure projects focused on potable water and roads for the 2025 budget.

After a meeting that lasted over three hours, attended by Teresa Jiménez from Aguascalientes, Américo Villarreal from Tamaulipas, Esteban Villegas from Durango, Samuel García from Nuevo León, David Monreal from Zacatecas, Manolo Jiménez from Coahuila, Ricardo Gallardo from San Luis Potosí, and Rocío Nahle from Veracruz, this agreement was reached with Sheinbaum Pardo.

“We have prioritized potable water infrastructure. Each state has particular projects that we will work on, and secondly, roads. You are aware of our train projects that touch on several of the states we have discussed, but for now, those are the two main topics. Related to water, there are also projects concerning agricultural irrigation,” Sheinbaum stated.

The meeting took place at the Hotel Tacubaya. Photo: @Claudiashein

Sheinbaum committed that, at a minimum, there will be a priority project in each entity, so members of her upcoming cabinet will continue dialogues with the governors to define them.

“On October 1, the day we take office as the elected President, I want to be able to present the 100 points worked out with the governors in the Zócalo of the city,” she assured.

Before the meeting, state representatives outlined their priority projects. The governor of Aguascalientes proposed a water reuse project: “We have Irrigation District 01, water technification in the field, and the opportunity for new industrial parks.”

Samuel García emphasized the importance of Nuevo León, noting it leads to employment and is the hub of nearshoring. “The President must assist us with projects like the Intercerrana, the Colombia customs, road projects, water, and Presa Libertad,” he said.

The governor of Coahuila, Manuel Jiménez, highlighted the state's most important projects: “Practically, the priorities are the same: water, infrastructure, health, education, and security.”

In San Luis Potosí, 16 billion pesos are needed for next year’s projects, including a new hospital in Ciudad de Valles, a pending airport, and the second level of Route 57, one of the largest projects for the state.

In a first meeting,  Sheinbaum met with the northwest governors: Baja California, Baja California Sur, Sonora, Chihuahua, Sinaloa, and Nayarit.

Yesterday, she also announced that the Electoral Tribunal of the Federal Judiciary informed her that on August 15, she will receive the certificate as the president-elect of Mexico for the 2024-2030 term.

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