Sábado 14 de Septiembre 2024

Mexico with a Woman’s Face?

Créditos: Faebook @ClaudiaSheinbaumPardo
Escrito en MÉXICO el

After more than 200 years and 65 presidents, on August 15th, Dr. Claudia Sheinbaum received the certificate of majority, becoming the first female president of Mexico and in North America. This event is not an isolated incident but a segment of a chronology of collective achievements that reflect the will of Mexican women.

From the independence ideas of Leona Vicario to the literary revolution driven by Rosario Castellanos, among millions of other anonymous examples, women have reshaped the social and political fabric of the country. This is one of those moments, hand in hand with a transformation that is being consolidated.

On the eve of the next administration, the old gender barriers that have limited women's participation in politics are progressively dissolving.

Politics is often a prolonged struggle, filled with negotiations, disappointments, waiting, and silence, but it also teaches that one day is enough to change our direction and destiny.

We are living through those days. For the first time, a woman is delivering the certificate of majority that formalizes the presidency of another woman: Mónica Soto Fregoso, president of the TEPJF, and Claudia Sheinbaum, president-elect. Simultaneously, the president-elect has announced the formation of a gender-parity cabinet, with a clear commitment to gender perspective, as well as reforms that reinforce equity.

Leyenda: Facebook @claudiaSheinbaumPardo

Coincidences do not exist; maturation processes are part of a trend that renews institutions and will redefine the face of the country, moving towards full parity in government and political representation. This vision of governance led by women aims at the empowerment of communities and the women within them, inspiring future generations to get involved in political life. The goal is clear: to reduce inequalities, bring structural problems to light, and promote inclusive public policies.

This historic moment represents an opportunity to build a fairer country where women not only participate in politics but take center stage in decision-making with determination from various specialties and disciplines, leaving behind a legacy of equity far from the past and pointing towards the future. The arrival of Claudia Sheinbaum to the presidency marks the beginning of a narrative in which women’s leadership is not an exception but the norm, and where parity accompanies the welfare state.

This is not just an adjustment in the composition of power but a fundamental change in the way of governing, starting from a port with a defined route. History is being written by women who, with their leadership, reform institutions and represent Mexican women, and who are the face of Mexico.


Consul General of Mexico in Houston and International President of 50+1.