Lunes 16 de Septiembre 2024

Workers approve reform to National Housing Institute in Mexico

Eight out of ten in favor of the Institute becoming a builder

Créditos: Facebook @ComunidadInfonavit /Pixabay
Escrito en MÉXICO el

The National Workers' Housing Fund Institute (Infonavit by its acronym in Spanish) indicated that 81 percent of its members are in favor of the constitutional reform, which could be approved next September, allowing the Institute to become a housing builder.

Additionally, 66 percent are interested in the houses that Infonavit could build being available for rent.

According to the Constitutional Reform Survey sent to Congress on February 5 by the Executive, Carlos Martínez Velázquez, General Director of Infonavit, explained that the respondents had salaries ranging from one to six minimum wages and diverse housing statuses: owned, rented, or inherited, with a majority in favor of the reform.

Martínez Velázquez pointed out that one of the requested provisions is that the properties be available for social leasing to the Institute's affiliates. The rent cannot exceed 30 percent of the worker's salary.

He added that after renting an Infonavit-owned house for 10 years, workers will have the right to buy it, and the rent paid during that period will be taken into account.

According to the Infonavit director, the proposed reform by the Executive will expand the available housing options for affiliated workers.