Lunes 2 de Septiembre 2024

President López Obrador Maintains Approval Among Mexicans

The Mexican president continues to receive positive evaluations for his performance

Créditos: Captura de pantalla YouTube Andrés Manuel López Obrador
Escrito en MÉXICO el

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador continues to receive positive evaluations for his performance. As he approaches the June 2 election, a May survey conducted by Covarrubias y Asociados for Heraldo Media Group shows that he maintains a strong approval rating.

When asked, "Based on what you've seen so far, do you approve or disapprove of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador's performance?" 69 percent approved, 19 percent disapproved, 10 percent neither approved nor disapproved, and 2 percent responded "don't know."

The Covarrubias y Asociados survey, a reputable and widely recognized polling agency, was conducted from May 18 to May 24 among people aged 18 and older with voter ID cards who are residents of Mexico. This sample consisted of 1,500 face-to-face interviews in homes using mobile devices. The theoretical margin of error was +/- 2.53 percent, with a 95 percent confidence level. This rigorous methodology ensures the reliability and accuracy of the approval ratings.

Leyenda: Heraldo Media Group 

This performance assessment of President López Obrador comes just days before a crucial moment in Mexican politics. Mexicans are preparing to exercise their democratic right and head to the polls to vote for the Presidency of the Republic, renew the Congress of the Union, and elect new governors in eight states and the head of government for Mexico City. This is a time when every vote counts and can shape the future of our nation.

In the previous survey by Covarrubias y Asociados, 70 percent of respondents approved of President López Obrador's performance, 18 percent disapproved, and 10 percent neither approved nor disapproved. Compared to the April survey, the variation in approval is one percentage point.

To read this article in Spanish, visit HERE
