Lunes 2 de Septiembre 2024

In Mexico, the foreign vehicle regularization program ends on September 30

As of July 22, 2,406,837 vehicles have been regularized

Créditos: There are 17 states where the Foreign Vehicle Regularization Program is in effect. Photo: Presidential Office
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During Tuesday's morning conference, Rosa Icela Rodríguez Velázquez, head of the Secretariat of Security and Citizen Protection, urged residents of the 17 states participating in the Foreign Vehicle Regularization Program to complete their regularization process by September 30, 2024, when the program ends.

"We invite the states with modules to participate and remind them that the program concludes on September 30, 2024. Those interested need only pay a fee of 2,500 pesos to regularize their vehicles and thus secure legal certainty over their property," said Rodríguez Velázquez.

She also reported that from March 19, 2022, to July 22, 2024, 2,406,837 foreign-origin vehicles, all models from 2018 and earlier in the country, have been regularized.

It is important to note that, per instructions from the President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the funds obtained through the program are used for road infrastructure improvements to enhance mobility in municipalities where the program operates. By July, the federal official reported that over 6,017,092,500 pesos had been raised, paving more than 5,211,650 cubic meters of avenues.

The states with the highest number of regularized vehicles are Chihuahua, with 423,344 units generating 1,058,360,000 pesos, followed by Tamaulipas, with 423,127 cars and 1,057,817,000 pesos collected; and Baja California, where 380,952 vehicles have been regularized, generating 952,380,000 pesos. These three states account for 51% of the total.

The program also operates in Sonora, Zacatecas, Coahuila, Michoacán, Durango, San Luis Potosí, Sinaloa, Baja California Sur, Nuevo León, Nayarit, Jalisco, Hidalgo, Puebla, and Tlaxcala.

In addition to helping migrants, returning migrants, and their families in Mexico protect their assets, the Foreign Vehicle Regularization Program aims to address a security issue. "All regularized vehicles can no longer be used in any crimes that may occur in these municipalities," emphasized Rodríguez Velázquez.