Viernes 13 de Septiembre 2024

Michelle, “Do Something”

With her characteristic warmth, she not only inspired but also threw poisoned darts at Trump.

Créditos: Facebook @MichelleObama
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Much will be written about the 2024 Democratic Convention. For now, I want to focus on the most human and convincing speech—Michelle Obama's—one that left an indelible mark. Her speech was a call to action that resonated throughout the venue and beyond. It wasn't just a political address; it was a display of empathy, showing how a public figure can deeply connect with the personal experiences and feelings of ordinary citizens.

With her characteristic warmth and determination, Michelle not only inspired but also threw “poisoned darts” at Donald Trump, exposing his flaws with the subtlety and elegance that define her.

Michelle Obama knew how to connect with her audience. She spoke of “something wonderfully magical in the air,” a phrase that resonated with those desperately seeking change, a light amidst the “political darkness” that has marked recent years. Her reference to the “contagious power of hope” and “the excitement of being once again on the brink of a brighter day” was not just rhetoric, but a palpable reminder of what’s at stake. Every word was laden with genuine empathy, reaching everyone listening, reminding them that politics is not just about power but about the lives affected by those in power.

Michelle Obama drew parallels between her life and that of Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential candidate. Despite their very different backgrounds, both women share a fundamental belief in America’s promise. This focus on personal connection was crucial. Obama didn’t just talk about politics; she talked about the humanity behind politics. By recalling her mother in Chicago and Harris’s mother from India, she highlighted the diverse experiences that make up the American narrative and how, despite these differences, they all share a common desire for a better future.

Leyenda: Facebook @MichelleObama

This message of unity and hope was even stronger when she mentioned the possibility of Kamala Harris becoming the first woman president. But Michelle, always pragmatic, warned Democrats not to take this achievement for granted. With her usual candor, she reminded them that “there are still many people desperate for a different outcome.” This warning was a sobering reminder that the fight isn’t over and that resistance to change should not be underestimated, even when it seems so close.

At this point, Michelle began to outline the sharpest contrast between the vision of the future Harris represents and the legacy Trump has tried to impose on the country.

Although she mentioned the former president by name only once, every word was clearly directed at him and his legacy. She criticized the “affirmative action of generational wealth,” a subtle yet powerful reference to Trump’s life of privilege, which she contrasted with the more humble and hardworking experiences of people like Harris, her husband, and herself.

Michelle Obama’s empathy shone when she spoke of how she and her family have been personally attacked by Trump. She recalled the insults and slander he hurled at her husband and herself, not because of their policies but because, in her words, “he couldn’t tolerate seeing their success.” She not only exposed Trump’s pettiness but also his inability to handle differences constructively.

The most devastating blow Michelle Obama delivered wasn’t in her direct criticism but in her subtle dismantling of the image Trump has tried to project. By mentioning how most Americans don’t have “an escalator waiting to take them to the top,” referring to the famous scene of Trump descending a golden escalator at Trump Tower, she effectively deconstructed his image.

Obama’s speech ended on a note of hope, but with a clear warning: hope will only be realized if everyone does their part. By praising Kamala Harris, she suggested that her candidacy is a sign that “hope is returning.” However, she was emphatic in reminding her audience not to allow her rival to win, recalling the attacks Trump has launched against individuals and entire communities, including her own.

Michelle Obama didn’t just deliver a speech; she offered a masterclass in political empathy while systematically dismantling the figure of Donald Trump. Her message was clear: the future of the United States depends on everyone taking action, and the story is yet to be written.