Viernes 26 de Abril 2024

What can I do if the National Electoral Institute (INE) notified me that my registration to vote from abroad is not valid?

You have until May 5th to request a review of your registration from the National Electoral Institute

Créditos: INE TV
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During the past weekend, 39,724 compatriots living abroad received at least one email from the National Electoral Institute (INE) notifying them that their application for registration on the Voter Register Abroad for the 2023-2024 electoral processes was invalid. 

This was due to a second review that the Institute conducted of 42,436 applications at the request of political parties and councilors, given the increase in registrations with voting credentials issued in Mexico.

This is done to ensure the integrity of the Voter Register Abroad, as there may be cases where people are not aware of their registration and may not be able to vote from Mexico on election day.

During a press conference, Councilor Arturo Castillo, president of the Commission on the Vote of Mexicans Resident Abroad, explained that 18,203 applications had inconsistencies or irregularities in the signature; that is, the signature was illegible, photocopies of the signature were used instead of handwritten signatures, or the signature did not match that on the ID.

On the other hand, 861 applications had inconsistencies in the proof of address, as they had alterations in the data, false information, or were "issued" by nonexistent companies. Similarly, there were cases where many registrations were made with the same proof of address.

Additionally, 12,574 registrations did not meet some requirements, and 8,086 registrations presented multiple irregularities. Consequently, the Voter Register Abroad was composed of a total of 187,388 registrations as of April 12th.

Councilor Carla Humphrey mentioned that since the weekend, the INE has begun to follow up with the affected persons to indicate to them which document or situation they would have to rectify. They might receive a phone call from the Institute. She also emphasized that 18,572 cases have irregularities that may be subject to complaints against those responsible, which will be filed with the specialized prosecutor's office for electoral crimes.

According to the INE, 39,724 registration applications to vote from abroad were deemed invalid. Credits: INE Tv

What should you do if you are in this situation? 

People notified about the invalidity of their registration have until May 5th to request clarification of their tracking number through INETEL or by email. In both cases, the affected person must make the arrangements directly.

a) INETEL, dial 1 (866) 986 8306 toll-free from the United States; +52 (55) 5481 9897 from other countries; or 55 57 28 27 00, ext. 350176, 391002, and 372162; or 55 5480 0400 ext. 350585 and 350176.

b) Send your full name and tracking number to the email

On the other hand, it is important to clarify that people whose registration was excluded from the Voter Register Abroad did not lose their right to vote. Therefore, if they fail to resolve the situation with their application, they can vote as follows:

1. From abroad, they can vote in person with their ID issued in Mexico or abroad at the 23 special polling stations to be set up at consulate offices (20 in the United States, 2 in Europe, and one in Canada). Remember that there will be only 1500 spaces per consulate office.

2. In Mexico, they can vote on June 2nd at the special polling stations set up with an ID issued in the country, as they will maintain their registration in the national Voter Register or in the polling station corresponding to their district and section.